Chen-Nee Chuah (Professor)
Office Hours: TBA
Teja Aluru (Lead TA)
Office Hours: TBA
Tue/Thu 9-9:50 am, Kemper 3089
Jan 15, 17, 24: Kemper 1007 (9-9:50 am);
Jan 22: Kemper 1007 (8:30-9:20 am);
Feb 26: Kemper 3089 (3:10-4:00 pm)
Fri 6:10-10pm, Kemper 2151
Teaching Assistants
Adam Jones (
Office Hours: Friday 4:10-6:00 pm Kemper 2151
Minh Truong (
Office Hours: TBA
The goal of this class is to teach students the necessary concepts
and programming skills to work in the autonomous driving field. To
achieve this, students will be given lectures/labs on a variety of
content to familiarize themselves with some of the challenges embedded
in the self-driving problem. The scope of the content will include
Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Sensor Fusion, and Control Systems.
Students will be exposed to a lot of the specific challenges that
self-driving cars face and will be challenged to find solutions to these
Available Machines
There are 2 machines dedicated to this course. Each machine has
an NVIDIA GPU Titan XP. Access to these machines are granted by the
Instructors and TAs. Any hardware problems regarding these machines
should be reported to TAs via the course Slack.
Machine names:
Extra Credit
There will be weekly opportunities for extra credit should students
show extra initiative in learning material related to any of the topics
covered. Up to an extra 5% will be awarded to students every lab if they
add a topic they learned about in addition to the material that was
covered during the week.
Except for submitting assignments on Canvas, all communication
about the course should be done through course Slack. Slack is a great
medium to ask questions and setup meetings. Aside from updating the course
schedule table, all notifications will be made through Slack.
Open-sourced Material
All course material, including videos, lecture slides and
assignments are made open-sourced. The EEC193 course allows registered
students to secure seats in class, access to machines and feedbacks from
teaching faculty. The materials will be published weekly to guarantee
registered students have first access to the assignments. After that,
auditing students are free to do the assignments.